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- MO5 Yukon Moose
MO5 Yukon Moose
This operation is likely the most famous archery moose hunting destination in Yukon. Several bowhunters have taken 60" or better bulls at this location. The outfitter has a bowhunting background for not only moose but also goats, caribou and sheep all within the same concession. Several grizzly in the area and most are taken with rifle. All hunts are conducted from cabins or wall tents starting early September for more rifle moose hunts then merging into middle to later month for your archery hunts during the rut. Additional animals available on trophy fee basis. Reserve your spot 12 months in advance.
Rates: 10-day 1x1 $40,000 all- inclusive. Price includes charter fees, license and tax; wolf and wolverine available, trophy fee on Grizzly and Caribou